Dealership Management System (DMS)
To provide the complete business / technical solution for all the activities of a Two / Three Wheeler Automobile Dealership. An automobile dealership deals with the Vehicle Sales, Spares Sales and Servicing of Vehicles. Primary objective is to help the management by providing the info about the business at various levels and to pass the required data to the manufacturer to enable data analysis on a daily basis. The business info shall be drilled down from a macro / consolidated level in to any micro / transaction level. Secondary objective is to help the operators thru easy transactions as it happening in front of the customers. The architecture of the system (DMS) is designed in such a way that, the business flow and the technology merged together to achieve the ultimate goal of customer satishfaction.
DMS is developed with VB.Net as front end tool with SQL Server as the backend DB.
Based on the physical classification of the business, DMS classified into four individual modules as, Vehicle Purchases & Sales, Spares Purchases & Sales, Service and with an Integrated Business Accounting Module. Each module is independent in terms of execution but in terms of an integrated environment each module will have its own information sharing to the other module based on the requirement.
Vehicle Purchases & Sales
Primary transaction flow starts with, Vehicle Order to the manufacturer -> Vehicle Supplier Invoice / GRN Entry -> PDI Entry (Pre-Delivery Inspection of the Vehicle)
Vehicles are being kept at stock with a flag 'Ready for Delivery’ if it passed the PDI or flagged as ‘PDI Not Ok’ and sent to service shop for correction work. Secondary transaction flow starts with, Customer Enquiry -> Vehicle Booking -> Vehicle Allotment -> Accessories Fitment -> Vehicle Invoicing -> Regn. & Insurance -> Delivery Once the Customer booked the vehicle by paying a advance amount, the Primary & Secondary transaction flows are connected with the flagging of Customer against the Vehicle. The status of the Customer got changed into ‘Vehicle Allotted’ and the status of the Vehicle got changed into ‘Allotted to the Customer’. Navigation of Information available at any point of time to enquire the Model / Color wise Vehicles in Stock & the list of Customers waiting for the Allotment of vehicles after Booking.